Becoming Part of the Monarch Movement

“The migration of the Monarch butterflies is one of the wonders of the world – we must save it for future generations.” Dr. Jane Goodall

Early on in our creation of Whimsical Wings Farms, we made a commitment to do our part for the movement to save the Monarch butterfly. Their numbers have hovered just above the endangered species mark for several years now. Becoming a part of the movement to save this butterfly means increasing their habitat, which sustains the life cycle.

Milkweed is the only host plant for the Monarch, so having more of that in the world is critical to their survival. Dovetailing with habitat restoration is education. Educating the general population about this movement is already happening across the world. Monarchs are the only species of butterfly that migrates. It has a one-of-a-kind antic-filled life cycle as well. You don’t have to know a lot about this butterfly to fall in love with it.

If only, we said to ourselves, every person in the world became an enthusiast for this butterfly. If only they would make a small commitment to have at least one of their host plants in their garden or in a pot on their deck. If only we could create something to ignite a heart’s passion to push the growing movement for the Monarch to new levels. Our goal is to save the Monarch for future generations to enjoy.

Our life cycle kit shares with others the miracle of watching a tiny caterpillar transform itself in so many ways. You can be part of their journey, seeing the small changes daily and celebrating them. The contents of the kit were carefully chosen to make it easy for our future enthusiasts, by providing all the tools necessary for the caterpillar to become a butterfly.

We want a world that doesn’t have to discuss the plight of the monarch. Just simply enjoy them. And offer the opportunity of watching them fly about to our children and grandchildren one day.

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